ChatGPT and Generative AI for Communicators: 3 Key Concepts

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The use of generative artificial intelligence is sky rocketing. A striking example of this technology is ChatGPT, the chatbot developed by OpenAI, which has rapidly conquered the market with 100 million active monthly users worldwide just two months after its launch. This rapid growth makes it the fastest growing consumer application in history.

However, with this rapid expansion of generative AI, it is essential to use it responsibly. Communicators must educate themselves about the healthy use of generative AI in order to maximize its benefits while mitigating potential risks.

Here are three key principles to follow for responsible use of generative AI in communications:

  1. Education and awareness: A profound understanding of generative AI's functionality and implications is a prerequisite for its adoption. Communicators must stay abreast of the latest advances in the field and best practices in the use of this technology. This will allow them to develop solid expertise and make informed decisions when integrating generative AI into communication strategies.
  2. Significant value: Generative AI presents an array of potential solutions for specific communication challenges. Communicators should pinpoint the areas where this technology can provide significant value, be it in content creation, idea generation or data scrutiny. By focusing on particular issues, they can more easily assess the effectiveness of the solutions and gauge their impact on communication goals.
  3. Risk awareness and management: Despite the numerous benefits of generative AI, potential risks should not be overlooked. Communicators need to understand the potential risks related to this technology and take proactive steps to mitigate them.

Consider the following points as you navigate the use of generative AI:

  • Quality: It is vital to ensure that the solution developed with generative AI offers optimal quality. Be critical and rigorously test the solution before implementing it in communication processes.
  • Ethical implications: The use of generative AI can raise ethical and social issues. It is essential to make sure this technology is not used for inappropriate political manipulation or to generate false information.
  • Data security: Whenutilizing generative AI, it is imperative to implement measures that ensure data security and prioritize data confidentiality. It is also important to have robust security protocols to safeguard sensitive information and adhere to data protection regulations. This entails securing storage systems, employing proprietary AI, and implementing best practices for access and authorization management.
  • Compliance: Prior to using a generative AI-based solution, it is crucial to ensure its legal compliance and adherence to prevailing copyright and content curation regulations. Please ensure that you acquire the requisite permissions for the usage of copyrighted materials and honour the licences and terms of use for third-party content. Furthermore, it is essential to abide by the applicable regulations within your jurisdiction, ensuring that the use of generative AI does not violate intellectual property laws or any other industry-specific regulations.

By keeping these considerations in mind, communicators can responsibly leverage generative AI, maximizing its benefits. The integration of this technology into communication strategies can assist in enhancing the efficiency of communication processes and gaining a better understanding of the needs and expectations of target audiences.

At Capital-Image, we have integrated artificial intelligence and various tools into some of our customers' day-to-day tasks. If you would like to learn more about incorporating artificial intelligence tools responsibaly into your communication strategies, we invite you to listen to our podcast (in French) or get in touch with one of our professionals.

The content of this article was inspired by a presentation from at the C2 Montréal conference, which took place in May 2023. It was written with the assistance of ChatGPT.