Capital-Image believes in proactively managing the environmental footprint of its activities and that it is possible to make a difference in the communications industry. We are among the few public relations agencies in Montreal that have offset their carbon footprint for over 10 years.
“To face this major societal challenge, the entire team is making personal and concerted efforts to enable Capital-Image to maintain its carbon-neutral status,” said Yvon Desautels, who founded the agency more than 30 years ago and initiated this important program.
The carbon footprint is calculated based on several factors, such as each employee's mode of transportation to work: car, public transit, bicycle or walking. Every action counts, big or small: eliminating plastic cups by using washable cups and mugs instead, selecting EnergyStar computer equipment, reducing the amount of colour printing, using double-sided printing, and practicing remote work, even before the pandemic.
Capital-Image's greenhouse gas assessment process is carried out by independent and accredited organizations. Since the beginning of this initiative, the tons of CO2 generated by the agency's activities are offset by the purchase of carbon credits from organizations such as the Nature Conservancy of Canada, which resells carbon credits from reforestation projects in urban and semi-urban areas.
This allows Capital-Image to maintain a carbon neutral status while supporting quality local projects.