Because of COVID-19 in the summer of 2020, Quebecers spent more time at home and in their pools than ever before. To help and remind them to adequately watch their children around the water, Allstate Insurance offered them safety advice during National Drowning Prevention Week.
Since the start of the pandemic, Capital-Image identified many risk indicators that threatened to increase the number of drownings in Quebec: vacationing at home; an increase in pool sales; working from home while watching children because of summer camp closings; swimming classes getting cancelled. Having noticed these risks, Capital-Image positioned its client Allstate as a “trusted advisor” by leading an awareness campaign around drowning prevention for residential pools.
With summer vacation approaching, which is a critical period for drownings, it became imperative, in our opinion, for Allstate to partner with the Lifesaving Society on a campaign to inform families about the risks related to this issue, while also positioning Allstate as a "trusted advisor” when it comes to home insurance.

We developed a media relations campaign by using data from an omnibus survey. Simultaneously, we put in place a digital communications campaign for which we produced an informative video presenting the best safety practices for residential pool owners, as well as a blog article that we promoted on social media.

The campaign was a huge success as it greatly surpassed the main objectives, which were to increase the visibility of Allstate’s brand and the topic of drowning prevention by at least 25% compared to the previous campaign’s objectives. The results were excellent for both traditional and digital media. The press coverage generated 64.3 million impressions. The French version of the video tutorial was watched 26,400 times and generated 401 reactions, including 149 shares. Allstate Canada and the Lifesaving Society asked for the campaign to be replicated and amplified as many factors indicate that prevention is crucial. It ties in perfectly with Allstate’s positioning as a “trusted advisor.”