• We optimize the messages directed to your customers and consumers to provide a better return on investment for your marketing efforts.

  • Influencer marketing

    Want to work with the best content creators, influencers and thought leaders in your industry? Whether it's to create content for your brand or to spread the word about your product or service offering, influencer marketing is a great way to go.


    Consumers tend to value the opinions of people they follow on social media. We have been working for several years to build influencer marketing campaigns with macro, micro and nano influencers, niche or broad audiences, to meet the specific needs of our clients.


    Here are some of the services we typically offer in this area:

    • Identifying your goals and target audience
    • Selecting content creators or influencers
    • Drafting contracts and briefing documents
    • Preparing and sending product packages
    • Creating and managing content calendars
  • SEO analysis and optimization

    SEO (search engine optimization) helps increase the chances that your website will get maximum visibility when people do relevant searches on search engines. This gives your business credibility and can have a positive impact on your sales, as well as other areas of your business, such as recruiting.


    By identifying your website's strengths and weaknesses, in both content and technical perspectives, and optimizing each of these facets, you can have an impact on your search engine visibility:

    • Site speed
    • Site structure
    • Readability
    • Text length
    • Keywords
    • Volume and density of traffic
    • Best performing pages
    • E-commerce optimization
  • Content creation

    No matter what platform you use, we write every text and create every visual so that your content has the best possible impact. Content, format, visuals... everything is taken into account so that you can make your brand shine. Here are some examples of the types of content we can create for you:

    • Blogs
    • Website
    • Video
    • Social media
    • Sponsored articles
    • Traditional and digital advertising
    • Informational Brochures
  • Social media

    Social media is part of the daily life of a large majority of people. From content strategy to content creation and posting, we provide you with customized services to better reach your various stakeholders on the most common social networks, as well as on those with more niche audiences.

    • Facebook
    • Instagram
    • Twitter
    • Pinterest
    • LinkedIn
    • Snapchat
    • Youtube
    • TikTok
    • etc.
  • Community management

    Communities on digital platforms are more engaged and valuable when they are well maintained. We encourage our clients to maintain a two-way organic conversation with their community. That said, while the return on investment can be great, maintaining a community every day can take communication resources that the company may not have. From monitoring social media accounts to actively soliciting organic engagement, we regularly support our clients at various levels in this important part of their communication strategy.

  • Customized ad creation and placement

    Need an ad or campaign that integrates perfectly with your communication objectives? Whether it is to build an advertising campaign strategy, create the key messages or create the necessary ad content, we make sure to optimize the available opportunity to offer high-impact content.

  • Event planning

    You want to make your consumers, clients, partners, employees, influencers or others experience an unforgettable event? Whether it's a product launch, a convention, an office opening or a food truck tour, our experts will advise you every step of the way to ensure success – whether it is a physical event or virtual.

    • Best time to attract your target audience
    • Best location for the event
    • Booking of venue, catering, equipment, decoration
    • Writing and sending communications
    • Attendance follow-up
    • Monitoring of mentions

    Give people a complete experience of your brand! We will help you create a multi-sensory experience that will level up your brand and will create indelible memories for your target audience.

  • Product launch

    The launch of a product is a key element of its success. Whatever your launch strategy, and whether the launch is small or large, we will work with you to establish a marketing communication strategy adapted to your goals to ensure the sustainability of your new product.